CATEGORY: Stuff in the ‘BioBalance 4 Women’ Category Opinion Article on Hormone Therapy

If your not sure about the safety of bioidentical hormone pellet therapy, I recommend this opinion article from The Wall Street Journal.

Insomnia and Fatigue

Here is what my patients say about insomnia, “I can’t sleep longer than 4 hours! I wake up at 2 and can’t go back to sleep, and when I do sleep I never wake up rested! I can’t work or[...]

Female Andropause

Female andropause is rarely discussed but is so important to what is wrong with you! Andropause occurs years before menopause and it steals your youthful figure, ability to think, energy, self esteem, beauty, sex drive, and most importantly your health![...]

More about Biobalance Health and Me

I understand that to begin a relationship with a new doctor you must form a contract of trust with her. I want you to learn about me and my staff so you can trust us with this portion of your[...]

Bioidentical Hormone Treatment for Symptoms of Menopause

If you are here to find Bioidentical Hormone Treatment for Symptoms of Menopause, I believe I can help you. I have over 1500 happy patients in my practice who are just waiting share their stories with you. Most of my patients had[...]