CATEGORY: Stuff in the ‘aging’ Category

Thymosin-Alpha 1 – A Natural Killer of Viruses and Cancer Cells

Thymosin Alpha 1 is a piece of a Protein that is Naturally Produced in the Human Body That Improves Your Immune Response To Infection And Cancer. Links to research articles Thymosin-alpha-1-PubMed.pdf Thymosin-Beta-4-heart-repair-PTBI.pdf FDA targets thymosin in compounding concern If you[...]

Why do you need a Colonoscopy? To make sure you don’t die of Colon Cancer!

90% of Colon cancers are diagnosed after age 50. Colon Cancer is the third most common malignancy in the US and is something you don’t want to get and there are many ways to test you to see if you[...]

Testosterone Treats Unexpected Diseases and Symptoms

You get so much more than a good sex life when you replace your Testosterone. Testosterone treats many illnesses in addition to sexual dysfunction.  Most patients and doctors don’t associate testosterone with the anxiety and depression that occurs after age[...]

How to Become a Superager – Comments on an Article in the New York Times

Can we fight off the typical mental deterioration of aging? A recently published article discussing the idea of being able to fight off the typical mental deterioration of aging, caught our eye.  We will discuss the concepts presented in the[...]

Three Tricks that Make Male Testosterone Therapy Safer and More Effective

Why testosterone therapy is safe and effective for men. It is easy to prescribe testosterone in any form to men, in fact much easier than prescribing it to women.  The reasons for this situation range from the many choices in[...]

Postmenopausal Bleeding

Dr. Kathy Maupin and Brett Newcomb discuss the issue of postmenopausal bleeding: what it may indicate and what can be done to treat it. Doctors are taught that postmenopausal women that begin to bleed when they no longer have menstrual[...]

Preventing the Diseases of Aging

Dr. Kathy Maupin and Brett Newcomb discuss current research being done that is focused on improving patients' quality of life and not just lengthening their lifespan, as well as the state of medical care in the US with regards to[...]

Insulin Resistance and Breast Cancer

Dr. Kathy Maupin and Brett Newcomb discuss breast cancer and some of the myths surrounding its correlation with hormone replacement. Many of the women who contact me about Bioidentical Hormone Replacement want to know about the risk of breast cancer.[...]

Depression and Antidepressant Medication

Dr. Kathy Maupin and Brett Newcomb discuss depression: its symptoms and the best way to treat it as patients age. Most people have been depressed at some point in their lives. Often, when there are major changes in life, people[...]

What Kind of Women Seek Testosterone Pellet Therapy?

Dr. Kathy Maupin and Brett Newcomb discuss the patterns that they see at Biobalance Health when it comes to the types of women that come in for treatment. As a physician, I pay close attention to the similarities of the[...]